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We are here to help you

You will find on this Customer page, reserved for professionals, all the tools (Chatbot, PDF download, contact form, …) that we put at your disposal to best meet your expectations.

Artificial intelligence


The Aqualux virtual agent offers you 24/7 assistance. He accompanies you in the follow-up of your orders and informs you about the availability of our products.

You can ask him anything else, but he may fly in circles…

Click on the icon to communicate with our virtual agent…

Floyd at your disposal !

Form to download

Need to make a request

Opening an account

If you are a professional and would like to become a customer, we invite you to download and complete this form…

Equipment takeover request

You have received a product that you did not order or with a quantity that does not comply with your request and you wish to return it to us. Please download this form and complete it…

Request for credit

Your delivery or invoicing is not in conformity (quantity, price…), we invite you to fill this form.

After sales service - Return to workshop

If you wish to return a defective product to the workshop, for a guarantee, an expertise or a repair, fill in this form…

Contact form

Need to contact us ?

For all other requests, we provide you with this form. You can attach documents if necessary.